Crypto Taxes the Hard Way: Split and Merge by Year
- The “in → csv → journal” pattern
- Avoid splitting by hand with
- Avoid including split files by hand with
- Add it to your repo

Disclaimer: nothing on this blog is advice about the substance of your taxes. I have no background in accounting and no idea whether this code will produce valid results in your (or any!) tax situation.
When using the “full-fledged hledger” system (see my intro) it’s helpful to separate all the imported data by tax year. You can do it manually in a spreadsheet editor, setting up your files like this…
…but copying/pasting rows is tedious and error-prone. Today I’ll go over a couple functions I added to export/export.hs
to automate it instead. Sorry in advance for the messy Haskell! I promise it enables a cleaner workflow.
The “in → csv → journal” pattern
Parsing in the full-fledged system can have one or two steps depending on how weird the input data is. You always do the second step, csv2journal
, which typically uses Hledger’s CSV parsing DSL. But you can also add an in2csv
script to do any extra cleanup and pre-processing that doesn’t fit cleanly into that paradigm first.
I’ve found it useful to overload these two steps with splitting and merging respectively. There’s no deep reason split/merge need to be coupled to in2csv
; it just minimized the code changes and seems to work well in most cases.
Avoid splitting by hand with in2csv_splitYears
Haskell code
Add this to your export/export.hs
, changing the input file patterns to match your importers.
The new code does the same thing as in2csv
(the Haskell function), but also passes the year as a string when it calls scripts.
import Data.List.Extra (splitOn)
-- ...
-- This goes at the end of the export_all function,
-- below the equivalent list for regular in2csv:
[ "//import/etherscan/csv/*.csv" ] |%> in2csv_splitYears
-- ...
-- Based on in2csv, but passes a multi-year file + a year arg to the in2csv script.
-- Requires the out file to be named with "-<year>" at the end, for example "mywallet-2023.csv"
= do
in2csv_splitYears out let (cdir, file) = splitFileName out
= splitExtension file
(base, ext) = last $ splitOn "-" base
year = (concat $ intersperse "-" $ init $ splitOn "-" base) ++ ext
file_noyear = parentOf "csv" cdir
pdir = replaceDir "csv" "in" cdir
idir = "in2csv_splitYears"
script <- getDirectoryFiles idir [file_noyear -<.> "*"]
possibleInputs let inputs =
case possibleInputs of
-> error $ "no inputs for " ++ show file_noyear
[] -> map (idir</>) $ possibleInputs ++ (extraInputs file_noyear)
_ let deps = map (pdir </>) $ extraDeps out
$ (pdir </> script):(inputs ++ deps)
need Stdout output) <- cmd (Cwd pdir) Shell ("./" ++ script) (year: map (makeRelative pdir) inputs)
( writeFileChanged out output
Python script
Now in each import folder you have the option of keeping your current in2csv
or renaming it in2csv_splitYears
and handling an extra argument for the year.
All you have to do is filter out lines not matching that year.
I do it with variations on this template Python script.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from sys import argv, stdout
from csv import DictReader, DictWriter
def match_year(row):
'''Returns whether to edit + print this row
# TODO adjust this to your input format
= 'Date'
date_field return row[date_field].startswith(year):
def edit_row(row):
'''Make any edits you want to the row dict here
For example:
- add an account field based on the filename
- remove commas from numbers
- combine send amount + fee into a total
return row
def main(year, in_file):
'''Read in_file, keep rows matching year, edit them, print csv
with open(in_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8-sig') as f:
= DictReader(f)
reader = None # wait to make it below
writer for row in reader:
if not match_year(row):
= edit_row(row)
row if writer is None:
# get header from first row
= row.keys()
header = DictWriter(stdout, fieldnames=header)
if __name__ == '__main__':
= argv[1]
year = argv[2]
in_file main(year, in_file)
Most of that is a good template for an in2csv
script too. Just remove the year
and match_year
Avoid including split files by hand with csv2journal_mergeYears
Once you have a CSV per input per year, you can use this to merge journal files by year.
Note that the code assumes you’re also using in2csv_splitYears
from above. It will get confused and fail if you manually split up the CSV files and skip the in2csv
step, even though that sounds equivalent.
Haskell code
-- ...
-- This goes at the end of the export_all function,
-- below the equivalent list for regular csv2journal:
[ "//import/etherscan/journal/*.journal" ] |%> csv2journal_mergeYears
-- ...
-- Based on csv2journal, but merges all the input files for a given year.
-- Name your script csv2journal_mergeYears to use this version.
= do
csv2journal_mergeYears out let (jdir, file) = splitFileName out
= splitExtension file
(base, ext) = last $ splitOn "-" base
year = parentOf "journal" jdir
pdir = replaceDir "journal" "csv" jdir
cdir = replaceDir "journal" "in" jdir
idir = "csv2journal_mergeYears"
script <- (fmap . map)
csvs -> cdir </> (fst $ splitExtension f) ++ "-" ++ year ++ ".csv")
(\f "*"])
(getDirectoryFiles idir [let deps = map (pdir </>) $ extraDeps out
$ (pdir </> script):(csvs++deps)
need Stdout output) <- cmd (Cwd pdir) Shell ("./" ++ script) $ map (makeRelative pdir) csvs
( writeFileChanged out output
Shell script
I normally don’t bother with Python for this part because it’s short.
When you name the script csv2journal_mergeYears
it will get a list of CSV files instead of a single file. Use hledger
to parse them sequentially.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
for csv in $@; do
hledger print --rules-file myimporter.rules -f $csv
The transactions will be out of order, but the full-fledged system automatically fixes that later.
Journal files
The last step is to consolidate your include
Here’s an example of how your CoinPaprika price feeds might change. The deduplication is nice, but more importantly now you can’t forget one of them!
-include ./import/coinpaprika/journal/BTC-2023.journal
-include ./import/coinpaprika/journal/ETH-2023.journal
-include ./import/coinpaprika/journal/BNB-2023.journal
-include ./import/coinpaprika/journal/XRP-2023.journal
-include ./import/coinpaprika/journal/ADA-2023.journal
-include ./import/coinpaprika/journal/OKB-2023.journal
-include ./import/coinpaprika/journal/MATIC-2023.journal
-include ./import/coinpaprika/journal/DOGE-2023.journal
+include ./import/coinpaprika/journal/2023.journal
The same trick also works with other data sources like bank accounts and wallets. For example if you have many different ETH wallets each carrying a different ERC20 token, you could include all of them in one line per year too. (I’ll do a post soon on importing EtherScan data)
-include ./import/etherscan/journal/ethwallet-2023.journal
-include ./import/etherscan/journal/linkwallet-2023.journal
-include ./import/etherscan/journal/maticwallet-2023.journal
-include ./import/etherscan/journal/shibwallet-2023.journal
+include ./import/etherscan/journal/2023.journal
Add it to your repo
As always, here is a tarball of today’s code.
├── export
│ └── export.hs
└── import
└── myimporter
├── csv2journal_mergeYears └── in2csv_splitYears
This time it’s not a complete runnable example though. Just an outline. I assume if you’re interested in this it means you’re starting your own full-fledged repo. So go ahead and check out a temporary branch to try the split/merge thing on your own data!